Friday, May 11, 2012

Tasha Manshahar - Be Mine

Lagu orang cantik.

I was talking to a friend, about seorang kawan yang di dump oleh seorang perempuan, and how the woman chose another man blahblah boring, and kawan I tu dia kata, "You mesti faham, you perempuan, you mesti tahu perasaan dia,"

Bloodyhell man, Guys are guys, but woman we are divided into 2 categories, THE PRETTY ONES and the NOT ones, geddit?

The pretty ones, they live. They live their lives, they got to choose, lelaki baik dan kaya ke, lelaki hensem dan baik ke, lelaki baik, hensem dan kaya ke, they live with options, they are always subjected to their own choices. but believe me these pretty ladies, they lost their looks, THEY ARE DEAD.

But the non-pretty ones, THEY SURVIVE. they don't have to depend on their looks to live!

So no, I don't get it, I don't get how somebody fell in love, dump their boyfriends and in a month time got engaged to other man, I don't get it, never get it.

Because all these, in this whole song, THIS WHOLE LYRICS, never happened to me, ok. never. Because you GUYS, never let people like me, KNOW HOW IT FEELS. SO I DON'T GET IT, OK?